Обращение в редакцию: что теперь будет с фирмой «Латгалес Алус»? 18

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Dzmitry Aleksin - the son Aliaksei Aleksin.
Both of them works for Chizh.

Investigation Committee confirms arrest of Chizh's authorised representative
"Dzmitry Aleksin has been taken into custody in connection with the probe against Belneftekhim's deputy director.
Charter97.org learnt it from Yulia Hancharova, an official representative of the Investigation Committee.
“Dzmitry Aleksin, a founder of some companies dealing with oil products sales, was detained as a suspect in the criminal case against Belneftekhim's deputy director,” she said.

Задержан торговец нефтью Алексей Алексин из окружения мультимиллионера Юрия Чижа
Вопреки прежней информации, был задержан не Дмитрий Алексин, а его отец Алексей Алексин.