В Малиново – новоселье 7

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Фото с сайта Даугавпилсской краевой думы и Gorod.lv

Новоселье библиотеки, доктората с медпунктом и правления волости, которые находятся теперь по одной крышей реновированного за 150 тысяч латов здания, отметили в Малиново.

Здесь же, рядом с молодежным центром, в который преобразована бывшая мастерская колхоза, открыта новая спортивная площадка, на которой кроме привычных видов спорта предлагается еще и минигольф.

Необходимость в многофункциональной новостройке появилась после 22 мая прошлого года, когда молния попала в двухэтажное здание волостного совета и сожгла большую его часть. Строиться на том месте во второй раз самоуправление не решилось, уступило его православной общине. Она теперь возводит на пожертвования на руинах храм Илии Пророка, некогда стоявший на месте сельсовета.

Еще одно общественное здание – школы, которая закрыта из-за малочисленности учеников, разместился магазин по продаже сельхозмашин.



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А где это Малиново?

Похоже это Малиновка , а не Малиново нет такого населенного пункта поблизости , даже в латышском искажении Малиновка называется Малинова.

On July 22 of 1944, 1st Lieutenant Otto Carius with his company of eight (early and mid production) Tigers advanced towards village of Malinava (northern suburb of Dunaburg) in order to halt the Russian advance. 1st Lieutenant Otto Carius and 1st Lieutenant Albert Kerscher (one of the most decorated commanders of sPzAbt 502) took a Kubelwagen in order to check if the village was already occupied by Russians. They discovered that village of Malinava was already occupied by the enemy. Carius recognized that the Russian tanks in the village were only advance troops waiting for the main force to arrive. He decided to recapture the village before the arrival of reinforcements. Carius returned to his company for briefing and explained his plan to take the village. He decided to attack the village using only two tanks because there was only one road leading to the village and rushing all of his Tigers would be dangerous. Six Tigers remained in the reserve while Carius and Kerscher's Tigers moved towards the village of Malinava. Speed was the essence of Carius' strategy and it was decisive to upset Russians and immobilize their tanks

Аноним: On July 22 of 1944, 1st Lieutenant Otto Carius with his company of eight (early and mid production) Tigers advanced towards village of Malinava (northern suburb of Dunaburg) in order to halt the Russian advance. 1st Lieutenant Otto Carius and 1st Lieutenant Albert Kerscher (one of the most decorated commanders of sPzAbt 502) took a Kubelwagen in order to check if the village was already occupied by Russians. They discovered that village of Malinava was already occupied by the enemy. Carius recognized that the Russian tanks in the village were only advance troops waiting for the main force to arrive. He decided to recapture the village before the arrival of reinforcements. Carius returned to his company for briefing and explained his plan to take the village. He decided to attack the village using only two tanks because there was only one road leading to the village and rushing all of his Tigers would be dangerous. Six Tigers remained in the reserve while Carius and Kerscher's Tigers moved towards the village of Malinava. Speed was the essence of Carius' strategy and it was decisive to upset Russians and immobilize their tanks

Ты заедь в Малиновку и скажи местным жителям что они живут в малинове , на тебя как на дурака посмотрят!

а то что это было здание храма, и чтобы помочь в реконструкции, так ни слова.....помогли бы в реконструкции храма!

Аноним: Аноним: On July 22 of 1944, 1st Lieutenant Otto Carius with his company of eight (early and mid production) Tigers advanced towards village of Malinava (northern suburb of Dunaburg) in order to halt the Russian advance. 1st Lieutenant Otto Carius and 1st Lieutenant Albert Kerscher (one of the most decorated commanders of sPzAbt 502) took a Kubelwagen in order to check if the village was already occupied by Russians. They discovered that village of Malinava was already occupied by the enemy. Carius recognized that the Russian tanks in the village were only advance troops waiting for the main force to arrive. He decided to recapture the village before the arrival of reinforcements. Carius returned to his company for briefing and explained his plan to take the village. He decided to attack the village using only two tanks because there was only one road leading to the village and rushing all of his Tigers would be dangerous. Six Tigers remained in the reserve while Carius and Kerscher's Tigers moved towards the village of Malinava. Speed was the essence of Carius' strategy and it was decisive to upset Russians and immobilize their tanksТы заедь в Малиновку и скажи местным жителям что они живут в малинове , на тебя как на дурака посмотрят!

Да,да в конце сентября туда и заеду-посмотреть на местных жителей(тех,что остались) и найду таки тех-кто помнит как называлась эта деревня,до того как она стала вдруг-Малиновкой.

Аноним: Аноним: Аноним: On July 22 of 1944, 1st Lieutenant Otto Carius with his company of eight (early and mid production) Tigers advanced towards village of Malinava (northern suburb of Dunaburg) in order to halt the Russian advance. 1st Lieutenant Otto Carius and 1st Lieutenant Albert Kerscher (one of the most decorated commanders of sPzAbt 502) took a Kubelwagen in order to check if the village was already occupied by Russians. They discovered that village of Malinava was already occupied by the enemy. Carius recognized that the Russian tanks in the village were only advance troops waiting for the main force to arrive. He decided to recapture the village before the arrival of reinforcements. Carius returned to his company for briefing and explained his plan to take the village. He decided to attack the village using only two tanks because there was only one road leading to the village and rushing all of his Tigers would be dangerous. Six Tigers remained in the reserve while Carius and Kerscher's Tigers moved towards the village of Malinava. Speed was the essence of Carius' strategy and it was decisive to upset Russians and immobilize their tanksТы заедь в Малиновку и скажи местным жителям что они живут в малинове , на тебя как на дурака посмотрят!Да,да в конце сентября туда и заеду-посмотреть на местных жителей(тех,что остались) и найду таки тех-кто помнит как называлась эта деревня,до того как она стала вдруг-Малиновкой.

Малиново точно никогда не называлась , а латышские-холопские времена кто ж их в расчет берет как называли этот поселок Малиновка еще с царских времен , так и называют , у латышей в крови что либо исказить ! из Лозовки вдруг решили сделать Лазовку , из Муравок , Муровку , Яновку вообще расчленили поселок назвали Янюциемс, реку Янюпите, озеро Янюэзерс , а люди как называли , так и называют все по старому, единственное что прижилось это Силене вместо Боровки.

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